The Breville Oracle Jet: A Luxury Espresso Machine or Overkill?

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Shawn Rich

The Breville Oracle Jet: A Luxury Espresso Machine or Overkill?

The Breville Oracle Jet is a marvel of modern engineering, promising to elevate your home coffee experience to unprecedented heights. At a hefty price tag of $2700, it’s undoubtedly a luxury item, but does it justify the cost? Let’s dive in.

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A Computer in Your Kitchen

Unlike traditional espresso machines, the Oracle Jet boasts a touchscreen interface and Wi-Fi connectivity, making it feel more like a high-tech gadget than a kitchen appliance. While this might seem superfluous to some, it undoubtedly adds a layer of convenience and future-proofing.

The machine’s core function, of course, is to make coffee. It automates many of the intricate steps involved in espresso preparation, from grinding beans to tamping the coffee grounds. This hands-off approach is a boon for those new to espresso or those seeking a consistent cup without the fuss.

A Coffee Lover’s Dilemma

For experienced coffee enthusiasts, however, the Oracle Jet’s level of automation might be a double-edged sword. While it frees you from the mundane tasks, it also limits your control over the brewing process. The machine’s pre-set parameters might not cater to every coffee lover’s taste, and adjusting settings can be somewhat cumbersome.

That said, the Oracle Jet does excel in producing a consistently high-quality espresso. Its cold brew function is also a standout feature, offering a refreshing alternative to traditional iced coffee.

Is It Worth It?

Ultimately, the decision to purchase a Breville Oracle Jet comes down to personal preference and budget. If you’re seeking the ultimate in convenience and are willing to invest in a premium coffee experience, this machine could be a dream come true. However, if you enjoy the hands-on process of espresso making or have a limited budget, you might find that other options better suit your needs.

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